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In the country of Switzerland
In the country of Switzerland you will find the town of Zermatt. This lovely town is located in the canton of Valais which can be found in the Visp District. The town of Zermatt is situated by the edge of the Mattertal Valley at a height of 1,620 meters. The town can be found lying in the shadow of the Matterhorn Mountain which towers high above the valley. The Theodul Pass which borders Italy can be found about 10 kilometers away from Zermatt. Unlike many winter resorts that you will find in the world the ski resort of Zermatt lies in a combustion free car zone.
This means that you will not be allowed to bring your car into the Zermatt area. There is no need to worry as you can easily travel around the town by foot, in horse drawn carriages, electric powered trolley buses or electric taxis. These modes of transport provide Zermatt with a pollution free environment which thus preserves the beauty of the surrounding countryside. To help with this aspect of a pollution free area you will find there are signs posted which will inform you of this fact.
For many visitors to Zermatt the fabulous skiing and mountaineering opportunities you will find are the main reasons to come here. Even if you are not a big fan of these sporting activities, you will still find a stay in this town to be quite pleasant. The beauty of the surrounding countryside makes this place an appealing one both for skiers and non skiers alike.
As stated earlier you will find that skiing in Zermatt is one of the more popular pastimes alongside that of climbing the Matterhorn or even one of the other mountains which can be seen near the town. Cyclists will find it possible to hire mountain bikes to travel over this terrain. You will find there are numerous shops where you can hire good quality mountain bikes. The various trails that you can follow while you are in and around Zermatt will provide you with the opportunity of exploring the town from another angle.
The various hotels that you will be able to lodge in while you are in Zermatt will provide you with comfortable accommodations to base your stay here in. The numerous shops that you will find in the town can provide you with a wealth of goods for everyday living as well as gifts for loved ones back home or even high quality ski equipment. In addition to skiing, mountain climbing and mountain biking you will find a visit to the Matterhorn Museum to be most interesting.
In this museum you will be able to find a wealth of exhibits about the Matterhorn Mountain and the town of Zermatt. The museum itself is quite unusual as it is a reconstructed mountain village that consists of 14 houses which includes a church, hotel, granaries and even a hut for an unusual touch. The museum depicts the history and development of the Zermatt and Matterhorn into the wonderful ski resort it is today.
With all of these wonderful places to visit while you are in Zermatt, you may ask yourself why should you visit anywhere else. The lovely town of Zermatt is bound to make any holiday in Switzerland a pleasure that you will not want to miss.
For accommodation in Zermatt check this list of Zermatt hotels.
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